If you are thinking about traveling on business in 2022, you should be aware of the looming threat of the emerging COVID-19 virus. The World Health Organization has warned that this disease is on its way to becoming endemic and warns travelers to prepare for this scenario. Read on to discover what it is, and how it can affect your business travel. Here are some ways that you can prepare for this threat. Keeping the environment in mind, you can reduce your carbon footprint while traveling for business.
Business travelers are sympathetic to hotels struggling to recover from the pandemic
According to the American Hotel and Lodging Association, which measures hotel revenue performance, the decline in the global travel industry will be felt the most in cities. The three most affected cities by the pandemic were New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., with decreases estimated at up to 69 percent. Hotels with a large number of business clients have also reported a dramatic decrease in business meetings, indicating that they are struggling to make up for lost revenue.
They prefer shared economy services
More than half of U.S. travelers would prefer to use the shared economy for business travel in 2022, with a higher percentage of the wealthy using such services than the less affluent and younger demographics. The younger generation also demonstrates a greater trust in the shared economy – seventy-four percent of 18-34 year olds said they trusted these services more than they did traditional taxis – and they’re more likely to use them for business trips.
They are interested in exploring new locations
Concern about Covid still weighs heavy on travel this year. According to the Global Travel Forecast, 43% of business travelers expect to travel less in 2022, citing the disease as a top concern. While the outbreak affected many economies, not all countries have responded effectively to the epidemic. While a vaccine is now available to prevent the spread of the disease, development projects in developing countries will most likely be postponed. Sixty-one percent of employees are more likely to utilize video conferencing than traveling for business, according to a recent SAP Concur survey. Trade problems and political tensions also contribute to a slowdown in global business travel.
They want to reduce carbon emissions
Companies like Accenture are taking steps to cut their environmental impact. They’ve signed the UN Global Compact’s Business Ambition for 1.5degC pledge, pledged to reduce emissions in line with a science-based target, and committed to 100 percent renewable electricity by 2023. The travel industry can’t afford to ignore sustainability, so responsible business practices are imperative. The benefits of sustainable travel are long-term, and responsible business practices require a balance between innovative thinking and pragmatic decision-making.
While many companies already have some sort of sustainability policy, few have implemented behavior-based changes to reduce their carbon footprint. Several only have a limited number of measures in place to reduce carbon emissions in business travel. Interestingly, almost a third of companies do not mandate sustainable transportation or accommodation options for employees. Another 19% mandate sustainable travel options, while only seven percent offer incentives. However, organizations can make progress by implementing sustainable travel strategies.