Wednesday, 22 January, 2025

How To Build a Brand Story: Connect & Inspire Your Audience

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Using a Brand Story is a powerful tool for business owners looking to connect with their target audience and build a brand that resonates. In this article, we will explore the seven pillars that make up a brand story and explain how they can be used to create a strong brand story for your business.

The Character

The first pillar is the main character. This is typically the customer or the person who will be using your product or service. It is important to identify and clearly define the main character so that your brand story can be tailored to their specific needs and wants.

The Problem

The second pillar is the problem that the main character faces. This is the pain point or challenge your product or service will solve. By clearly identifying the problem, you can create a sense of urgency and show your audience how your product or service will make their lives better.

The Guide

The third pillar is the guide, which is the person or organization that will help the main character solve their problem. This is typically your business or brand. By positioning yourself as the guide, you can establish trust and credibility with your audience.

The Plan

The fourth pillar is the plan, which is the specific action that the main character will take to solve their problem. This is typically the product or service that your business offers. By clearly outlining the plan, you can show your audience how your product or service will solve their problem.

The Call to Action

The fifth pillar is the call to action, which is the specific action the audience should take to learn more about your product or service. This can be a button on your website, a phone number to call, or an email to send. By including a clear call to action, you can move your audience closer to making a purchase.

The Unique Ability

The sixth pillar is the unique ability, which is what sets your product or service apart from others. This is the key differentiator that makes your business stand out from the competition. By highlighting your unique ability, you can show your audience why your product or service is the best choice for them.

The Transformation

The seventh and final pillar is transformation, which is the change that the main character will experience as a result of using your product or service. This is the end goal or the ultimate outcome that your audience is looking for. By highlighting the transformation, you can create a sense of excitement and anticipation for what your product or service can do for your audience.

By clearly identifying the main character and their problem, positioning themselves as the guide, outlining the plan, including a call to action, highlighting their unique ability, and emphasizing the transformation, businesses can create a brand story that resonates with their audience and drives results.

In summary, by implementing a brand story into your marketing, your business will be able to connect with your target audience, establish trust and credibility, and showcase how your product or service is the solution to their problem.



About Christy Kiltz

Christy Kiltz is the owner of Design! by Kiltz Internet Solutions and has been taking care of business owners online since 2001. Her high-touch digital agency is located in Southern Oregon and provides comprehensive online marketing services and technology solutions that free up business owners to focus on what they love to do instead.


According to Christy, “Service-based business clients come to us spinning their wheels trying to make money online. We form a partnership to turn their websites into lead-generating machines. Our White Glove Growth program is designed to help you get more leads and grow your business.”


In addition to building websites and offering technical support, Christy’s primary focus is education and empowerment. By toning down the “geek” and offering practical tools easily understood by non-technical folks, Christy opens the black box of technology with classes, webinars, and web tips developed to demystify digital marketing. With ease and a bit of humor, she reminds us that while technology continues to move forward at warp speed, many foundational marketing principles remain. 


Christy Kiltz joins us as a regular contributor to share her digital marketing expertise with our business community. Enjoy her articles and commentaries!


Find out more about how Christy can help you improve your online world.


Check out more business stories here. 

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