Saturday, 07 September, 2024

Tag: communication

Reading Time: 4 minutes Tick Tock. Have you noticed the clock always moves forward? (Sans reverse daylight savings time.) We turn to the next calendar page; we cannot go back. The generations move on. I used to be part of the “sandwich generation” where Read more…

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders.  This is one in that series.   Nancy Poland Nancy R Poland, Grace’s Message With grace and hope, Nancy Poland provides written and spoken Read more…

Reading Time: 3 minutes The four-day framework is based on a 100:80:100 per cent principle – 100 per cent pay for 80 per cent of the time based on a commitment for 100 per cent productivity. There is good evidence that some companies increase Read more…

Reading Time: 4 minutes Yes, you have an amazing website, your product is top-notch, and to cap it all off, you have a mouthwatering offer. …But, when you look at the marketing reports, you discover that your business has been profusely bleeding sales. Why? Read more…

Reading Time: 4 minutes Expanding your business is essential, but you’re spinning your wheels if you’re not engaging with your customers. Making sure to stay in communication with them before, during, and after they purchase from you is of paramount importance. Not only will Read more…

Reading Time: 5 minutes “The single biggest problem with communication according to George Bernard Shaw, is the illusion that it has taken place.”  You don’t have to be a famous Irish Playwright to understand that critique for the ages. And while he wasn’t aiming Read more…

Reading Time: 5 minutes Welcome to Presenting With Power and I’m your host: Aileen Pincus. Have you ever been in the audience, at a meeting, or listening to a briefing and found yourself wondering: What’s The Point as the speaker drones on? It’s not Read more…

Reading Time: < 1 minute When selecting a business manager, it’s important to look for qualities that go beyond the basics. A caring manager will be able to cultivate a sense of teamwork, loyalty, and goodwill among their employees. They will take the time to Read more…

Reading Time: 2 minutes As the workplace environment has adapted to remote work, more than 75% of employees found themselves using emojis more frequently in communication channels, according to a new report from Clutch, the leading B2B ratings and reviews platform. The divide of emoji Read more…

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Kevin Price’s “New Rich” Book Ready for Pre-order for 99 cents!

The Price of Business Visits with Robert Kiyosaki on 20 Years of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

The author of the best selling finance book of all time celebrates its 20th anniversary in a series of interviews with Kevin Price on the Price of Business.

Adventures in Quora with Kevin Price

Kevin Price, Editor at Large of Daily Business Journal and host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business show writes frequently at Quora about issues ranging from politics to personality types. His favorite answers are also found at USA Business Radio.


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