Thursday, 06 February, 2025

Get Rid of Stress

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Get rid of stress, anxiety and overwork once and for all

Stress, worry, anxiety, and overwork can feel like insurmountable problems

I should know, I’ve had them all. And what I also know is that they can be easily solved.

Hi, I’m Anne Lyons. I’m a mindset master, executive coach and mentor and I will be taking you on a journey of discovery and transformation in this Challenging Your Thinking Series to solve all these problems … and more.

Based in a small village outside of Canberra, Australia I work with senior executives to help them permanently de-stress, get back their energy and drive and reduce their working week by at least eight hours without sacrificing their productivity, home life, relationships, values or fun.

The reality I live now is very different to the one I lived earlier in my career.

I spent years burning the candle at both ends, striving to climb the corporate ladder, and working long hours in high level roles as a single Mum.  I was unhealthy, overworked, super stressed, unhappy with parts of my life and I had constant guilt feeling I was letting my daughter down.

It wasn’t sustainable, so I changed. I went on a journey of self-discovery and learning and improved every aspect of my life.

Along the way I discovered the amazing transformational power of the mind, and how, without too much effort, you can solve problems, and improve your results as well as those of your colleagues more quickly than you think.

Sounds impossible?  It’s not. Using what I’d learned my career soared, I spent 20 years as a senior executive in the Australian Government, and I also became a coach to help others achieve what I did – working with people to improve personal and organisational performance, teamwork, and workplaces, just by changing the way they think.

Results can happen quickly, if you’re prepared to apply yourself, put in the work, and be open to challenging and changing the current way you think.

Moving the clock forward, I now have my own business as a mindset master – where I coach, mentor, and run leadership performance programs.

In the Challenging Your Thinking series I explore the many and varied ways our minds, and the way we think about things, can easily solve and overcome problems facing us today in the workplace, in our homes, in our relationships and within ourselves.

I’ll guide you through identifying the problems and causes, developing solutions, and the everyday actions you can take to :

  • transition from stressed to calm in just a few seconds
  • remove worry and anxiety
  • smash stress forever
  • get rid of imposter syndrome
  • identify hidden limiting beliefs
  • get rid of phobias and fear
  • stop self-sabotage

Challenging Your Thinking series is not just about solving problems – it’s about transformation. It’s about creating genuine lasting breakthroughs and reaching your goals, big and small, in all areas of life – career, health, money, fitness and relationships.  Did I mention fun before? There’s plenty of fun in this series.

From the usefulness of hypnosis in the workplace to the strategy of “doing  nothing” my Challenging Your Thinking series will shine a light on and help people use the best tool they have, their mind.

By using simple and practical ‘design thinking’ tools, behavioural science, and neuro linguistic techniques I help people:

  • shift their limited thinking
  • create new mindsets,
  • get clear on what they want
  • set goals and start working to achieve them
  • break through and solve what is holding them back
  • and create a life-long ability to learn and change easily

I’m sharing what I know because if I can change my life from being a burnt-out single Mum stuck in my own limiting, frustrating rat wheel of a life to become a leader in my field, and now a mindset guru, making a positive difference in the world, then you can too.

If you need help or want to know more, contact me or you can hop on my next free webinar this Thursday

The world needs more of this kind of help right now and it starts with you being in control of the change you want to see.

Anne Lyons, CEO Challenge Your Thinking

You can contact me on Email:

Check out my next free webinar on how to work less, and get your energy and drive back without having to quit your job or feel guilty in the process.



Anne Lyons is an internationally known thought leader, an executive and high performance coach, and a leadership consultant

She mentors individuals in developing a mindset for success. She is a strategist for corporations and individuals.  She is a facilitator and speaker as well.

Lyons is also well known in geopolitical policy circles having served as a visiting fellow at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) in the International Cyber Policy Centre.

Her education experiences include a BA in communications and indigenous studies from the University of New England, Master Practitioner training in NLP from QC Seminars, and she is a graduate from the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

At her website,, she uses several novel approaches to help clients achieve success. This includes developing leaders at all levels, a “Goal Getters Club” that helps stressed out executives reach major breakthroughs in every aspect of their lives, and executive coaching.

She was sought out by the nationally syndicated Price of Business show as a commentator because of her contributions as a thought leader in industry.


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